Monday, November 16, 2009

Ah Rain! It can be very relxing. The idea of curling up at home and watching TV sounds great. But I dont ever have time for that. Its idylic but not going to happen. On rainy days, I usually have alot to do and theres the rain that just gets in the way of everything. Or when I actually straighten my hair. it rains and all my hard work is gone. Rainy days are nice when im tired. Otherwise, then its kind of depressing. It makes me think too much about things. I dont like to be alone on those days unless im tired like i said. and my dog wont go outside when its raining bc shes a princess and princesses cant get wet. I like it to poor at bedtime. or just any time i have to sleep. it is gauranteed that i will fall asleep its like spa quality stuff that rain!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Rude people. There's way too many of them. They must really hate their lives or being going through a rough time or atleast I think so. Or maybe it's just their nature. But it's really uncalled for either way. I dont like being rude but thats just me. I think some people get their joy from treating others that way. I have a pretty rude college teacher. And I'm not calling her a professor because that's giving her way too mch credit. Anyways, we ask simple questions pertaining to the subject we are on or we ask about a homework assignment and she always pops off with some rude answer. At work is where I tend to see most rude people. The public is just horrible. People will walk right into me and never say sorry. When I'm waiting on them at work i greet them and say hey how are you and they cant even respond to that? I mean come on people! I guess people are just brought up differently and I dont agree with their ways. The way you treat people is important. Theres people out there who dont want to be seen as a nice person and many of them. I think they have issues going on in their head. And I hate going to restaurants when servers and stuff are rude. If your going to act like that then stay home

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

This is about my little angel Ruby. She's really a devil dog but anyways.. My poor little Yorkie got really sick on me Wednesday night. She kept coughing for about an hour. So I finally got up to noticed she puked all over my bed as well as under my bed. So i thought she was done. In the middle of the night i was washing sheets and scrubbing my mattress and crawling under the bed. I walked in the living room to check on her because she was still dry heaving and acting like she was going to die. She puked all over in the living room and under the couch. she would just run over to me nervous as can be and just stay right there scared to death. I was too. So Thursday came and she was fine. Then Friday right before I had to go to work she got really sick again. So I took her to the vet. She ate a bunch of polyester from my bedding and couldnt digest it. It's been a week and she got sick again last night. I was glad after I seen she got some of that polyester up. Maybe thatll be the last time.. i'm hoping and praying.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

"blessed are those who can give without remembering.." That little quote is about people who give you things and don't keep reminding you of what they have given or done for you. It's like my mommy. she gives me alot from money to life skills. and she has never once said ok ashley you owe me for this. It would be like me and my boyfriedn going out to eat and the next time him being like ok its your turn you owe me. It shows a lot of responsibility when people are like that. I can't honestly say I'm able to do that just yet. I am getting better tho :)

Monday, November 2, 2009

"We do not simply live our live for ourselves, but for those who came before and will come after us." That quote makes a lot of sense to me. I live for my parents and my family. That would be talking about the ones who come before us. I know that i try to do well to make my family proud of me and to help them in any way. The real reason i want to go to college is to prepare for my future which I hope does include kids. Kids are the after us part. I know that most of my hard work in school and college is so that I can have a successful career and provide for my family. Some times it seems like we do everything for ourselves but when you look further into things the cloudy is now clear.