Tuesday, September 22, 2009


There's way too many people driving, who don't know how to drive. It's very annoying and thats why theres all of these accidents. I dont even like parking my car beside other cars bc im affraid someone will back into it or something. I really hate it when people ride right up on me. I slam on my brakes every time. Yep, it'd be their fault if they hit me. I absolutely cannot stand it. I even get mad when im at a red light or something and cars get like 1 inch away from my car. My boyfriend is one of those lovely people who get right up on cars. I've never used my brake from the passenger side but i find myself trying to slam it on almost every time I go out with him. I really hate those people who are in such big hurries they drive really dumb and like swirve over in front of you when they dont have enough rough causing you to slam on your brakes and possibly get rear-ended. These things cause accidents to happen. I guess nobody thinks about that. Theyre just in a hurry inching up every little bit they can.

1 comment:

  1. I definitely agree with you, Ashley. I think a lot of bad drivers forget that they aren't the only ones in the world.
