Friday, December 11, 2009

What I am getting for Christmas.. I asked Santa mainly for a new phone. I've been using my boyfriends phone and I hate it. I know Santa already brought it. My Santa told me the other kid in the house got the phone she wanted. And duh you have to do the same for one as you would the other. and then the other night i came up behind her on her laptop while she was in the process of buying a phone cover for the kind of phone i wanted haha. I know i got some rain guards for my car too. Those are really the only things i asked for. They in this big long box and my step dad bought them so its basically a given. I thought it was really important that my mom had a good Christmas so I bought her a bunch of stuff. Then her husband bought her just as much if not more than I did and got her a recliner so Im excited she will not be expecting so much. And of course the pretty little puppy has a stocking. itll have to full of treats because she eats toys and then we have to spend 200 dollars at the vet.. Thats Christmas presents in a wrap.

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